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Within Temptation + Beyond The Black - Sentrum Scene

  • Sentrum Scene Oslo (map)

Tirsdag 23/10-2018 Sentrum Scene

Det symfoniske metalbandet fra Nederland ble dannet i 1996 av gitarist Robert Westerholt og vokalist Sharon den Adel, og de har siden den gang blitt hjemlandets største musikkeksport. Ingen andre band har så stålkontroll på arrangementene som Within Temptation. Nå er de i ekstase over å annonsere turnéplanene for høsten 2018. 33 byer i 18 land skal besøkes – med et nytt album i bagasjen. Mer informasjon om albumslippet kommer senere.

Dette har vært bandets lengste pause fra turné-livet til nå i karrieren. Sharon den Adel forklarer: «When our last tour finished, I was having a rough time. I realized I needed take some time out with my family to deal with things and to rediscover myself. It took much longer than expected, but 2 years on, things have changed for the better. I created my solo album (“My Indigo”) which helped me deal with my issues. And afterwards I suddenly found myself with an aching hunger again for more heavy, epic music. Then the music started to come by itself. I knew for sure that our seventh album was coming after all. So here we are... presenting our seventh tour and luckily it’s not going to take so long anymore because we are all more than impatient to get out there again!»
Bill. kr. 415,- + bill.avg. 18 år leg.