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Helloween + Hammerfall - Sentrum Scene

øndag 10/09-2023 Sentrum Scene
United Forces Tour 2023

Helloween og Hammerfall legger ut på en spektakulær turné sammen! Den har fått navnet United Forces Tour. Da bandene inntar Sentrum Scene vil begge ha et nytt album i bagasjen.

«We are `hammered´ to have our friends from Hammerfall with us on tour! Back in 2002 the band produced their album ‘Crimson Thunder’ in my studio in Tenerife and we had a lot of fun back then. This mega-package is delivering the appropriate metal-spectacle to enter the stage with full power!»
– Andi Deris (Helloween)

«We are so ridiculously excited about this! Not only do we get to go out on tour again after two looooooooong years of stage draught, but we get to do it with a band that we love and was a great inspiration to us in forming Hammerfall in the first place. The ‘United Forces Tour’ will be something truly special, you can count on that!»
– Oscar Dronjak (Hammerfall)


Publikummere som har valgt å beholde billetten til det avlyste arrangementet 25.03.22 / 28.04.23, kan benytte sin opprinnelige billett på dette arrangementet.

Bill. kr. 685,- + bill.avg. 18 år leg.
Dørene åpner kl. 19.00.

Earlier Event: September 9
Motorpsycho @ Rockefeller