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Aspherium + Crecended + Oskaal @ Energimølla

Aspherium is a progressive death metal band from Norway. Blending death and thrash metal with modern elements, black metal riffs and melodic and mellow passages. Their albums are concept albums tackling both post apocalyptic and sci fi themes, focusing on the real horrors we face in the world today, but weaving them into a fictional universe.

Crecended was founded in the fall of 2020 by Thomas Hoxtvedt(Guitar) and Trond Pedersen(Drums), the duo was joined by Tor Andre Torgersen(Bass) in May the following year. Then closing up the band roster with Maria Kvist(Vocals) and Emil Sverrisson(Guitar) in the summer of 2022.The band brings a wide array of songs sure to fit any crowd, with it’s fast-paced guitar riffs, low thundering bass, blazing drums and a singer with the ability to sound both angelic and demonic!Be sure to stay posted as music fresh of the press is headed your way very soon!

Oskaal er et progressivt dødsmetal band, med base i Drammen.
De henter inspirasjon fra alt fra slam til Lovecraft, eller folkemusikk, og putter en særegen spinn på musikken sin.
Du får soloer å vrenge luftgitaren til, tekniske godbiter å henge deg opp i, og et driv som kan inspirere fartsbøter

Earlier Event: September 23
Thulsa Doom @ Vulkan Arena
Later Event: September 29
Atena @ Parkteateret