February 23
/01.POWERWOLF: Demons are girl’s best friend
02.LABYRINTH: Accept the changes
03.ELECTRIC BOYS: All lips n’ hips
04.H.E.A.T.: Back to the rhythm
05.PAGAN’S MIND: Through Osiris’ eyes
06.AC/DC: High voltage
07.AVANTASIA: Creepshow
08.ATROCITY: Being boiled
09.3RD & THE MORTAL: Why so lonely
10.RAZORBATS: Kids of the 70s
11.THE CARBURETORS: Fast forward rock ‘n’roll
12.WHILE SHE SLEEPS: Hurricane
13.SPIRAL ARCHITECT: Fountainhead
14.PURIFIED IN BLOOD: Primal pulse thunder
15.CREST OF DARKNESS: The will of god
16.MAKTKAMP: Krenkefest
17.SARKOM: Enter as fool – exit as beast
18.DISRUPTED: Choke on the cross
19.ARCH ENEMY: Paper tiger
20.DECEPTION: Iblis’ mistress
21.HELVITNIR: Black flame triad
22.DIMMU BORGIR: Kings of the carnival creation
Raymond Smith
Knut Ivar Jacobsen