March 2

01.RATT: Round and round
02.POWERTRIPPIN’: Tank commander
03.HAMMERFALL: The dragon lies bleeding
04.ALIEN: In the end we fall
05.MAESTRICK: Lunar vortex
06.NIRVANA: Come as you are
07.MAJESTICA: Battle cry
08.THE HELLACOPTERS: (I’m) watching you
09.IQ: Frequency
10.GREEN DAY: Know your enemy
11.THE FERRYMEN: Adrenaline
12.TNT: Angels ride
13.BLOOD RED THRONE: Unleashing hell
14.MACHINE HEAD: Unbøund
15.NACHTBLUT: Stirb langsam
16.ASPHERIUM: The fall of Therenia
17.WITCH CLUB SATAN: Fresh blood, fresh pussy
18.EMBRIONAL: The world deserves self-destruction
19.DEATHHAMMER: Army of death
20.LUCIFER’S CHILD: Antichrist
21.GRYLA: Carnal beast
22.IMMORTAL: One by one
23.HYPOCRISY: 44 double zero

Raymond Smith
Knut Ivar Jacobsen