March 18 - Inferno Metal Fest
/All of the show was about Inferno Metal Festival.
Runar Pettersen from the festival visited our studio
01.ODIUM: The sad realm of the stars
02.NAGLFAR: As the twilight gave birth to the night
03.SHINING: Gyllene portarnas bro
04.DARK FUNERAL: The secrets of the black arts
05.ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD: The splendour of the trident tyger
06.OBITUARY: ’Til death
07.MEPHORASH: Chalice of Thagirion
08.ORIGIN: Accident and error
09.EMPEROR: Thus spake the nightspirit
10.NECROPHOBIC: Mark of the necrogram
11.NORDJEVEL: Djevelen i nord
12.MEMORIAM: Nothing remains
13.IHSAHN: Arcana imperii
14.SATYRICON: Du som hater gud
15.DJEVEL: Det svartner paa likbleik hud
17.ELECTRIC WIZARD: See you in hell
18.GRAVE: Into the grave
19.CARPATHIAN FOREST: Black shining leather
Raymond Smith
Knut Ivar Jacobsen
Runar Petteresn & Knut Ivar Jacobsen